
As a scientist, I work on a unified formulation of living and non-living matter. Nature is unique, which is why I do not like the current disunited approach to science, where equations, formalisms, notations and even entire paradigms are developed independently by different communities (quantum chemists, evolutionary biologists, general relativists,...) to the point of confrontation. You have probably heard of the incompatibility of quantum mechanics and general relativity, but this is just one of many cases of internal inconsistency in science today.

(Top) Two-slit diffraction pattern observed at the detection screen. The orange dot denotes the impact of the last emitted electron. (Bottom) Quantum trajectories illustrating the probability flow from the slits to the detection screen. The orange line is the trajectory of the last emitted electron.

My research includes the search for a microscopic definition of heat, an alternative to the dark matter paradigm, the many-body correction to the Dirac equation, dynamical temperature, obtaining renormalized fields from AAAD, and developing the fourth way to antiparticles, and many more. All my research is avaliable on pdf file format.

The fourth way to antiparticles

Abstract: Antiparticles are particles with the same mass and spin projection that their partners, but with the opposite charge. We can find three approaches in the literature to introduce antiparticles into physical formalisms: the Dirac hole concept, the Stueckelberg-Feynman approach, and the approach used in quantum field theory. After reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of each, we present a new way to describe antiparticles. For scattering processes, the new approach can be interpreted in the simple terms of positive and negative charges, but for dynamical processes, the new approach introduces a more elaborated description of the underlying physics. The new approach corrects longstanding difficulties with the Dirac equation and provides a basis for the development of a future consistent and complete relativistic quantum mechanics.

Microscopic heat and first law of thermodynamics

Abstract: Heat is defined in classical thermodynamics as an energy transfer mechanism, but its fundamental nature is not yet fully understood. After reviewing previous macroscopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic approaches to heat, we propose a fundamental definition of heat in terms of a fully detailed microscopic description and apply this definition to a one-component gas with constant composition for comparison with the usual macroscopic formulae. Using the new definition, we debunk common claims in the literature that associate heat with our ignorance of the microscopic details of a thermodynamic system.
